Tattoo Aftercare:
Do not pick or scratch your tattoo, no matter how tempting! (Gently pat or rub it)
Do not wear tight clothing over the tattoo
Do not go swimming or enter any body of water for a minimum of one month (taking a shower is ok)
Do not expose your fresh tattoo to direct sunlight for any amount of time
Do not put sunscreen on your tattoo until fully healed (2 weeks minimum)
Do not sleep on your fresh tattoo
Do not listen to any advice from someone who is not your tattoo artist
What You Need To Know:
When you first get your tattoo, your artist will put a covering on it. Leave the covering on for 2-3 hours after the tattoo is finished. When it's time, gently remove the covering and softly wash the tattoo with a clean cloth and anti-bacterial, unscented soap.
While cleaning you'll want to dab and pat with your clean cloth. Wiping can be harmful and irritating to your tattoo. Air dry or gently pat dry the tattoo with a clean soft cloth afterwards.
Wash your hands thoroughly then apply your artist recommended ointment (Aquaphor or Tattoo Goo are currently preferred). Do not put too much ointment on, you only need a thin layer, as if you were putting on lotion. Plan to apply ointment 3-4 times daily, continue this for up to 2 weeks or until the tattoo flakes off and heals.
Always wash your hands before applying ointment or touching the tattoo for any reason.
You may ice the tattoo over the wrapping if you wish.
A good tattoo boils down to a few simple components:
Always use sunscreen on your HEALED tattoos when outdoors.
If you follow this advice, your tattoo should be as bright as the day you got it for many years to come! Please contact your artist if you have any concerns.
How We Keep You Safe:
Your safety is our number one concern. Low-quality ink and medical products can cause serious and sometimes long-term health issues. This is why we opt to use a fully disposable tattooing system and surgical grade cross contamination techniques. Our system was developed specifically for our tattooing needs in collaboration with Dr. Donna Fraser DDS.
As of writing this we are the only studio in the state utilizing 3rd party testing for our tattoo inks. This guarantees that our inks are free of carcinogens, toxins and label discrepancies. (View The Testing Results Here)
All tattoos are performed by our highly trained artists who are taught to go above and beyond when it comes to your health, safety and comfort.
Our studio stocks only the highest-quality tattoo inks and medical products, vegan & cruelty free tattoo ink, organic ointments and surgical grade medical supplies all ensure we keep you safe and healthy for the life of your tattoo.
Need to contact the health inspector? Contact info below.
Justin C. Currin: 912-217-1057
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